Featuring: The Way-Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus
By: Adam Hamilton, The UM Church of the Resurrection

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday, April 5, 2013


Yesterday's devotional was the last in the Adam Hamilton series for Lent/Easter, The Way. I hope you enjoyed and were blessed by Rev. Hamilton's insights and the wonderful way he makes the stories of Scripture come to life for us.

We will not be sharing a daily devotional through the remainder of the Easter Season. I do hope, however, to share thoughts and aha! moments several times a week. And so, I'm asking for your help.

Were there particular devotions in "The Way" series that you liked and would like to take deeper? Were there questions raised in your own heart and mind that you would like us to address together? Do you have questions about Easter, the meaning of Easter and what it means to live as an Easter people?

For the past several years, we've been using, "I wonder..." questions to help us peel back the layers of meaning and detail in stories. It's a rather easy exercise. Read a story and then just begin to ask the "I wonder" questions about the characters, the details, the truths you hear lifted in the story, the way the story might have been different if things had gone in a different direction.

On Maudy Thursday, Pastor Laura, invited us to "wonder" about those moments when Jesus was washing the feet of the disciples: I wonder how the disciples felt as Jesus kneeled before them, took their dirty feet in his hands and washed them clean? I wonder if sometimes it's easier to serve others than it is to receive the gift of service? I wonder how Judas felt as Jesus looked him in the eyes? I wonder why Judas betrayed? I wonder if he had doubts about his betrayal?  ...even, I wonder if the water was cold? (ha!)

Rev. Hamilton's devotional from a few days ago, wondered how different the story would have been if, instead of killing himself immediately in despair, Judas had waited long enough to witness the Resurrection? Now, that could have been some story of reconciliation and healing!

What has touched you during this season of Lent/Easter? What is it that you "wonder" about?

You can share your thoughts by responding on the blog or if you would prefer by emailing me at rogreen@bellsouth.net. If you do not want your thoughts/questions shared, please let me know that in your email.

I invite you to Easter!


Rich Greenway

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